You have got a beautiful rug in your living or dining area and accidentally you find a wax stain over it. This could be frustrating for you to witness the sight if you are a rug lover as wax stains are difficult and hard to remove. You may find them difficult to tackle but worry not, we have got your back.

We have got two easy and professional methods which you can do own your own to get rid of any notorious wax stains.

1. Freezing method

1. a. Solidify the wax stains for convenience

Let the stained area solidify. You can do it using an ice bag. Just place it over the wax and let it solidify. This process will help you prick off the stains easily.

You can do it using an ice bag or a frozen meat. Anything handy will do the job for you. All you need to achieve is just get the wax stains solidify.

1. b. Use a butter knife or spatula or a spoon to prick off the stains

It’s the top layer which you need to focus on. The best part about wax stains is that they are only on top layer so, if you can get rid of them; you have done your job successfully.

Use a butter knife or a spoon to remove the top layer. Keep in mind to do it gently and carefully as you may damage your rug pile if you go hard on it. You only need to remove as much of the stains as possible while being gentle and careful (For the remaining stains, opt for method 2 of melting the wax and ironing over it).

1. c. Use rug cleaner or cleaning solvent

Now use a rug cleaner or a cleaning solvent to clean the fibres of any wax residue. Dip a clean white rag into cleaning solvent and dab over the stained area. Now use another clean white rag with cold water to soak up any wax residue. Repeat the process until you find no wax residue.

1. d. Vacuum to retrieve the original texture of the fibres

After such a harsh treatment, it is obvious for the fibres to-loose their original state. It is recommended to vacuum properly to regain their original texture.

2. Melting method

2. a. Use a paper bag to cover the wax stains

You need to use a paper bag or a normal grocery bag and place it across the affected area. Don’t forget to place a cloth under a part of the bag which is not affected with the stains.

2. b. Now set the iron settings to low heat

Ensure that your iron settings is on low heat. Remember you only want to penetrate the heat to the stains to saturate it and transfer it to the paper bag.

Gradually, once you start doing ironing, you will see paper bag absorbing wax stains. Now slide over the bag to expose new area of the bag to the stains. Continue the process until all of the wax is saturated on to the paper bag.

2.c. Use cleaning solvent to get rid of any residue

Use a clean white rag and dip it into the cleaning solvent and start the blotting process over the affected area. Now use another rag and dip it into the cold water and start soaking up any residual.

2.d. Vacuum for a finished touch

Vacuum properly over the affected area to regain the original texture of the pile.